The Power of Change from “The Unknown”.
I can’t describe in words what has happened this year at Open Eyes.
I sincerely believe that in order to make the impossible possible, we need those reflections that lead us to decisions that push us into situations that are beyond our control.
Surprisingly, our experience has always told us that when a decision is made from the heart and there is a strong commitment it leads to an unknown moment that becomes something much better than we ever imagined could happen.
This is exactly what has been happening since we started this amazing adventure in India in 2011.
Many people are still amazed and share that our team is small because of the changes we are working on in tourism. And my reflection is that they are right and this still makes it even more special as our results and efforts are manifest: to generate a change not only in the hearts of our travelers but also in the hearts of our local hosts.
Thank you very much to everyone as this year has been one of the most inspiring for Open Eyes.
Thank you to all the travelers, contributors and communities that have made this 2019 one of the most special.
This collage is a representation of our best moments in 2019. And we end this year reflecting on how we would like to evolve in 2020.

We hope to have you among us and that you will join us in our travels this 2020 in one of the most fascinating countries in the world: India.
Our way of traveling is not only to pass through a place, but to have it pass through you.
Anna Alaman